Study rooms at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology

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In order to ensure good study conditions during the pandemic in winter semester 2020/21, the faculty offers several rooms on campus where students can study and access the internet.

Campus Bismarckstraße 1, Erlangen:

  • CIP-pool C701 (Bismarckstraße 1). The room offers 14 places equipped with PCs. Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00-21:30. Connection cables for headsets with 3.5 mm jack plug, e.g. those used for smart phones, are available. Headsets are to be brought along. In case of technical problems please contact
  • Kochstraße 4. Rooms 0.027 and 1.058 can be used as study rooms from Monday to Friday, 8:00-21:30
  • Kochstraße 6a. Three study rooms, 00.5, 00.6 and 00.14, with five seats each are available. Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00-21:30 and Saturday to Sunday, 9:00-21:30. In the study rooms you can access the university’s WIFI using your own notebook. To log in, you will need a valid IDM-account (username and password).

Campus Regensburger Straße 160, Nürnberg

  • Foyer Seminargebäude 0.003/0.046
  • Foyer Aula-/Mensagebäude 0.102
  • Print station 01.048 with three PC-equipped places.

A survey of all study rooms available at the FAU can be found here:

Strict infection control rules apply in all rooms. Various notices in the rooms point these out. Please pay particular attention to the following points:

  • On the entire university campus wearing masks is mandatory. This is also true for the CIP and study rooms. Please keep your mask on at your workplace as well.
  • Pay attention to hand hygiene. Wash your hands before entering the CIP rooms. In Kochstraße 6a there is a wash basin in each room. In the CIP rooms there are also containers with wet wipes which you can use to clean the keyboards and computer mouses before use.
  • Sit only at the designated places so that the distance rules are observed.
  • When you enter the room, you must register for purposes of contact tracing. This can be done digitally with your smart phone or hand-written on paper forms which are available in the rooms.
    • Erlangen: For digital registration, please scan in the QR code available on site. In CIP-pool, C701, each workplace has a QR code; in the study rooms in Kochstraße 4 and 6a, a QR code for the entire room is attached to the door. For hand-written registration, please drop the completed contact form into the mailbox provided. In C701 the mailbox is located next to the door; in PSG III there is a mailbox for all study rooms opposite the entrance door of the building.
    • Nürnberg print station: You can book a place on the website of the IT-department.
  • The rooms must be aired out regularly. In C701 only slot ventilation is possible so that ventilation must be continuous; the door to the room must also remain open to provide cross-ventilation. In the study rooms in the PSG, students are required to air out the room at each half and full hour. Open the door when airing the room.

It is in your own interest that we ask you to follow the rules to avoid infection. Only with your help will we be able to keep the rooms open for use.